O Holy Night – A Christmas Concert

Welcome to Kerry Choral Union’s Christmas Concert 2024

Christmas:what would it be without music? The favourite Christmas song that stops you in your tracks; the special carol that affirms faith and the Christmas message; the simple, the silly and the joyful songs that make us smile, make us a little wistful; the power that music has to invoke memories of dear family and friends.

Our concert programme is a selection of favourite carols, pieces from the classical choral repertoire and music for the festive season. From the anticipation of ‘Zadok the Priest’ and splendour of the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’, through to the perfect quiet of ‘Silent Night’ and the closing statement of faith that is ‘O Holy Night’, we hope that you will find some of your personal favourites in our concert programme tonight and that the performance sets you up for a festive and happy Christmas.

Tickets available in advance from St. John’s Parish centre or at the door.

On behalf of Kerry Choral Union, we wish you all a peaceful and a happy Christmas.

Spring Concerts

The first of our spring concerts is upon us

Spring concert poster

We are delighted to be starting our series of spring concerts in Castleisland this year. We are even more delighted to be joined by the Differter Saitenspielkreis from Germany, a plucked string orchestra with whom we have performed before, many moons ago, and by Ailish Walshe and the Castleisland Presentation Secondary School and Community choirs. It promises to be a wonderful evening of music and all proceeds are going to the Castleisland Day Care Centre to fund their wonderful work.

Christmas is coming!

And Kerry Choral Union is ready to sing all about it.

With a luxury selection box of musical talent, do we have a show for you. Tickets are available from Kerry Choral Union members and at the door on the night. Come on in out of the cold and let us put you in the festive spirit!

Recovery Haven’s Celebration of Light

The Wetlands, Tralee, August 20th, 2023. 7:00 pm

Join us (and the Roses) at the Wetlands for Recovery Haven’s Celebration of Light.

In what has become a very special event on our calendar, we are once again performing in Recovery Haven’s annual celebration of hope and light, of recovery and life this August at the Wetlands. Please come and support the wonderful work that Recovery Haven do for people recovering from cancer in our community, and take a moment for reflection and gratitude. All are welcome!